About Us

Goldendoodles of Maine

We are a family of pet lovers that have fallen in love with the goldendoodle. We are located in a central Maine farming community that is a easy commute to local airports and the Maine coast. Our daughter was raising beautiful AKC Golden's and thought that was what we was looking for until our neighbor bought a goldendoodle and we went and met him and what a smart little guy and very low shed we loved that idea and that's how we fell totally in LOVE.
Our daughter started the search for the right AKC Standard Poodle stud for her beautiful AKC Golden Retriever Sadie our first litter was born in 2003 and they were beautiful black goldendoodles and have become to be great family pets and the talk of their towns. This was Sadie's last litter and she was retired from breeding.
We got our first AKC Standard Poodle after along time of hunting in West Virgina we wanted a female on the smaller side and she had to come from a loving home and that's just what we got Thank you Rhonda. Roxie is the Queen of our house and rules the roost. She like all our other dogs can be found relaxing on the couch or chair any place we might be sitting because they think they are lap dogs and we can't convince them they are not.
Most of the dogs live with us and we do have a few that live with wonderful families that just love them.